Arrays – Basics

task 1 – A very basic array

// Initialize a new integer-array, named "numbers" with a length of 3

int[] numbers = new int[3];
// Assign value to first element in the array

numbers[0] = 90;  

// Assign value to second element in the array
numbers[1] = 150; 

 // Assign value to third element in the array
numbers[2] = 30; 

int a = numbers[0] + numbers[1]; // Sets variable 'a' to 240
int b = numbers[1] + numbers[2]; // Sets variable 'b' to 180 



task 2 – An array with many random numbers

Initialize a new integer-array, named "numbers" with a length of 1000

int[] numbers = new int[1000];

Create a random number for every position in the array

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){
numbers[i] = int(random(i)); 

print all the numbers of the array in the console


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